The beneficial properties of regular soda are astounding and versatile. This white powder has been used for many years as an ideal detergent to remove any dirt. But few if any know that baking soda is also used successfully to treat diseases of the male genitalia, to enhance and restore potency.
Sodium bicarbonate has no pronounced stimulant properties, this substance does not belong to the category of aphrodisiacs. Its benefits lie in improving the activity of the body, suppressing pathogenic microflora, restoring the normal functioning of the reproductive system. But in order to get a positive result, you need to follow a few rules regarding soda treatment.
Useful properties of soda
Although baking soda has the widest range of unique beneficial properties, the vast majority of people sincerely believe that this substance is only suitable for suppressing heartburn attacks. This view is fundamentally wrong. Guided by simple rules, soda can cure many diseases, including cancer. It should also be noted that it is most useful for the male half of humanity, which is manifested in the following aspects:
- Various diseases of infectious and inflammatory nature, including prostatitis, prostate adenoma, as well as many others, often lead to the development of sexual impotence, decreased potency and lack of sexual desire. Baking soda, which has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to suppress pathogenic microflora, provides anti-inflammatory, restorative and disinfectant effect. Thanks to this, accelerated recovery and recovery of all functions of the reproductive system is achieved.
- Also, soda can cure various benign and malignant neoplasms, which has been successfully proven in practice by the famous physician Neumivakin, a professor who presented in all its splendor the beneficial properties of sodium bicarbonate. The alkaline solution, which he used as a basic treatment, destroyed the pathogenic cells of the neoplasms and also facilitated the removal of metastases from the tissues.
- Baking soda also helps to cleanse the body, improve metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, thereby preventing the development of stagnation in the pelvic organs. Increased hemalymph in the reproductive organs helps to restore erectile function and increases potency.
- In addition, baking soda has a positive effect on the body's immune defenses, increases the ability to resist pathogens, viruses and bacteria.
ᲛImportant!Although soda is an almost neutral agent and causes adverse reactions in the body only in exceptional cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.
Soda helps during sexual dysfunctions
As mentioned above, baking soda is not an aphrodisiac and has no aphrodisiac. The positive effect of this substance on the potential is achieved by eliminating the causes that led to impaired erectile function. The action of sodium bicarbonate on the body consists of the following aspects:
- Soda treatment cleanses the organs of the reproductive system, enhances the production of sexual secretion, thereby helping to determine hormonal levels and restore the body's natural functions.
- In infectious diseases, the substance acts as an inhibitory agent on pathogenic microflora, reduces inflammatory processes, promotes healing of affected tissues and activates cell regeneration processes.
- When an alkaline solution of soda enters the body, an acidic environment is created, which is harmful to foreign microorganisms and at the same time has a positive effect on the beneficial microflora.
- Regular baking soda removes toxins, toxins and breakdown products from the body, which are often the main cause of many diseases, including the organs of the reproductive system. It also helps to improve immunity and improve metabolic processes.
If the main goal of soda treatment is to increase potency and enhance libido, you should not expect an immediate effect, the first positive results will appear no earlier than two to three weeks after regular procedures. This is due to the fact that the substance does not directly affect the production of sex hormones that are responsible for sexual desire.
Methods of effective use
Currently, baking soda treatment is quite popular, which is due not only to the effectiveness of the method, but also to the absence of harm to the body as a whole. There are several different methods of treating sexual disorders, each of which aims to eliminate this or that cause that led to the development of pathologies.
For example, with prostatitis, prostate adenoma, malignant and benign formations, it is recommended to combine several methods of using soda: taking as a medicinal drink, external use in the form of baths, as well as a course of cleansing the body as an effective microclister.
Tip! Often, the reason for the decrease in erectile function is such negative factors as stress, anxiety, psycho-emotional disorders, physical overload and others. In this case, to restore potency, it is recommended to conduct a general recovery course for the body, including taking soda inside, as well as the use of microclysters.
Alkaline baths
Baking soda-based baths are one of the most useful and effective methods for treating inflammatory diseases of the genitals. Also, this method has a positive effect on the overall condition of the body, which helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, improve metabolism, restore and strengthen potency.
Before going to bed it is advisable to take baths in soda, because the procedure has a calming effect, which promotes a simpler and more comfortable sleep. The water temperature should not be too high. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a contrast shower, which has a tonic effect, helps to restore blood circulation and improves metabolic processes in tissues.
There are several basic methods of preparing a bath solution. But for the treatment of diseases of the genital area, the most commonly used are the following. One standard packet of soda, which usually contains half a kilogram of the substance, should be thoroughly dissolved in three liters of boiling water. Often cloudy precipitation forms at the bottom of the container; No need to remove it. Pour the resulting mixture into the bath, then add plain water to a comfortable temperature. The duration of such a bath is not more than half an hour.
Tip!Soda residue on the skin can provoke irritation and redness, so after the procedure you should take a shower, using your usual personal hygiene products.
Body cleansing
Often, one of the main causes of reduced potency is diseases of the digestive tract, which arise as a result of protection from heavy and fatty foods. Toxins, slag and spoilage products adversely affect the mucous tissue, provoking poisoning of the body.
In this case, the ideal treatment option is a thorough bowel cleansing and restoration of normal functioning of the digestive system. Also, this method helps to get rid of diseases of the genital area, for example, prostatitis, prostate adenoma.
The cleansing procedure, where soda is called the main active ingredient, consists of regular daily use of microclimate based on an alkaline solution. To prepare the mixture with soda, a tablespoon of powder should be mixed with a liter of purified or boiled and pre-cooled water.
To normalize the activity of all systems and organs, it is recommended to use an alkaline solution inside. This method of treatment, where baking soda acts as an active ingredient, helps not only to restore potency, but also to establish the functioning of the reproductive system. It is better to use this method as a preventive measure, because in the case of advanced diseases, baking soda used as an alkaline solution may not bring the expected positive results.
The method consists of the following actions: Baking soda is dissolved in a glass of warm milk in the amount of half a teaspoon. You should use only warm drink and mix the solution as thoroughly as possible, otherwise it is possible to produce lumps of unpleasant taste with a sharp taste. To improve erectile function and restore potency, it is recommended to take such a drink daily for at least ten days. If you want, you can continue the course for up to a month.
If the impairment of erectile function is caused by the impact of serious pathologies, then effective treatment and recovery of potency in soda of sexual dysfunction is possible only if sodium bicarbonate is used as an additional component of the main medical complex.
Indeed, there is a technique of masturbation that helps to enlarge the volume and length of the penis. It is necessary to sit on the edge of a chair or bed, lubricate the penis and start coloring it, pressing with the index finger and index fingers. The movements should be from the base of the pubis to the head of the penis. You should hold your hand tightly, try to stretch the skin more tightly. Returning to base requires increasing power - this will allow more blood to be retained. Then you have to repeat the movement from the bottom to the top. Speed should be increased without weakening the power. It is important to feel the excitement while doing this. After achieving an erection, you should hold the penis at the foot, trying to keep the blood directly in the cavernous tissue. Then you have to hold the hand with one hand and hold the head with the other hand. The penis should be strongly stretched, but not to the point of discomfort. The penis should rise to the right, hold for ten seconds, then to the left, down and up, following the same interval. The exercise phase should be repeated several times. All this should take about seven minutes, no more. Then the tight should be removed. If everything is done correctly, then the blood will slowly start to drain. Ejaculation may occur.
Liberal lubrication and firm grip are key precautions. Should not impede blood circulation. If you feel pain or discomfort, you need to re-read the instructions. Also, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.
Most men love bath procedures and therefore they have the question: "Is it possible to get a steam bath for prostatitis? " Next, this problem will be described in more detail and whether it is possible to change this condition with the help of steam room. Prostatitis belongs to the category of inflammatory pathologies and affects the prostate gland, as well as has a number of specific manifestations.
There are periods when the pathology goes to the stage of exacerbation, it is at this time it is worth following certain recommendations and restrictions. Most men believe that bathing procedures help in the fight against prostatitis, but there is a certain time limit, you should not exceed it.
Bath procedures and men’s health
If the bath procedures are dosed correctly, then steam with prostatitis is very beneficial for men’s health, but in limited quantities. Under the influence of high temperatures, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure rises and blood circulation improves.
The sebaceous glands begin to work actively, with sweat the body releases toxic substances and toxins, increases the body's defenses, speeds up metabolic processes and the human body fights pain agents much better. The prostatitis bath is prophylactic in nature as it allows you to eliminate swelling in the pelvic area. Since non-infectious prostatitis develops due to impaired lymph drainage.
Bath procedures help to:
- Rid the body of toxins;
- Acceleration of metabolic processes;
- Improves tissue trophism;
- The protective properties of the body increase;
- Functional activity of the central nervous system is normalized.
The bath process helps to relax completely and as a result, the bath is an excellent way to deal with stressful situations as well as sleep disorders. After visiting the bath, the well-being of the person significantly improves, the mood improves, the muscles relax and there is a feeling of increasing strength, due to which it is possible to increase the work capacity. In men, the potential increases due to improved blood supply to the pelvic organs.
It is allowed to take a bath for prostatitis
"Is it good or bad to go to the bathroom for prostatitis? " - This is the question that men most often ask a urologist. Permission to visit a steam room is conditionally issued after a correct diagnosis has been made, in particular, of a prostatitis type. In the presence of an acute form of bacterial prostatitis, the action of high temperature is categorically contraindicated, as it can worsen the patient's condition and contribute to the spread of the infectious process.
And if a man has chronic prostatitis beyond the swelling exacerbation phase, then he runs to the bath or sauna, but it is necessary to follow certain rules and recommendations. If you follow your doctor's prescription, then while visiting the bath there are such positive effects as:
- Increased erection;
- Stabilization of the urinary process;
- Reduces swelling of the male genitalia;
- Improves prostate blood supply;
- The severity of painful desires decreases.
Prostatitis sauna is possible only with the permission of a urologist, as self-medication can significantly aggravate the situation. Only a doctor can properly explain how to steam properly, while avoiding adverse effects on the body and men’s health.
Steam room rules
To enter the sauna after a doctor's permission, you must follow certain rules and recommendations. You can visit the bath only after undergoing drug therapy, and in case of exacerbation the sauna is strictly forbidden. It is recommended to replace the birch broom with a "bouquet" of dried herbs (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula). The aspen broom can be used for anti-inflammatory effect.
Entering the steam room should take no more than 5 minutes and no more than 2 times in 30 days. The use of aromatherapy improves the general condition of the patient. Plant oils such as mint, lavender, grapefruit and bergamot are used for this purpose. Before going to the sauna, you should drink a decoction with anti-inflammatory effect. Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages are strictly prohibited. And after the steam room, you should drink soothing tea, chamomile or hawthorn decoction.
With each visit to the bath, the human body becomes accustomed to high temperatures, over time, the number of sessions can increase to one per week. In the presence of a cold it is not recommended to go to the steam room, as this can aggravate prostatitis.
There are a number of contraindications for which a visit to the steam room is contraindicated. It is worth refraining from visiting the bath:
- With prostate adenoma;
- Cancer diseases;
- Infectious and inflammatory processes;
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Endocrine pathologies;
- Urinary tract infections.
The doctor will tell you the allowable time to visit the spa, as well as the allowable number of visits per week. Sauna is completely contraindicated for elderly patients, because almost everyone has diseases of the cardiovascular system, most often hypertension. Also, people should not go to the bathroom after a previous stroke, palpitation and coronary heart disease.
Contrasting procedures in the bath
Bath procedures include not only high temperature effects but also subsequent contrast procedures. After the steam room it is advisable to bathe in cold water, but in the presence of prostatitis such manipulation is strictly prohibited. Prostatitis is characterized by a change in the tone of the prostate gland, and the use of a contrast shower can lead to exacerbation of the pathology.
It can also cause a sharp narrowing of blood vessels and as a result, swelling increases. The male genitalia are irritated and unable to adequately respond to changes in temperature readings. Consequently, this is the strongest stress for the vessels, and as a result, the spasm that aggravates the symptoms of prostatitis.
Drinking cold water has a negative effect on the tone of the bladder, which is already constantly tense, as the inflamed prostate puts pressure on it. These manipulations can lead to severe stagnation of urine. This complication causes heavy urination and sometimes it will not work at all. With the development of such a condition you need to immediately consult a doctor.
To avoid such a situation, it is worth refraining from cold water from the pool and replace this manipulation with a contrast shower. Initially the water should be warm, but the temperature should gradually decrease. It should be remembered that the minimum temperature of cool water should be at least 23 ° C. The effect of different temperatures on the skin should change, namely: 30 seconds - hot water, 15 seconds - cold. The duration of contrast procedures should not exceed 5 minutes, the last stream of water should be hot.
Alternative bathroom manipulation
Some men prefer to lift their legs instead of the full range of bath procedures. But how effective is this manipulation and will it help in the fight against prostatitis? There are certain rules to follow when performing this procedure, as well as when visiting a steam room. Swelling of the legs is recommended during chronic prostatitis with edema, this will improve the general well-being of the patient and the condition of the prostate gland.
If the prostatitis is in the acute stage and is of an infectious nature, then paired procedures for the legs are contraindicated as this can lead to the development of complications. One of the reasons that causes the development of prostatitis is considered to be the blood supply to the lower body. This condition occurs in men who are inactive and lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.
In such a situation it is permissible to lift the legs, but not more than 10 minutes and not more than 2 times in 7 days. Water should not be higher than 38 ° C. For the best effect of the procedure, medicinal plants such as chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula and sage can be added to the water.
To avoid the negative impact of bath procedures on men's health, it is necessary to dose them explicitly and not to exceed the time recommended by your doctor. Failure to follow the instructions can lead to complications. If you follow the rules of visiting the prostatitis bath, you can significantly improve overall well-being, as well as improve prostate function and increase libido.